
Try Out: Green King

Here we have the next demo tracks from Finland´s best new Proto-Metal/Doom band Green King. This band will kill you. Check out  ‚Take It Easy Boy‘ a awesome doom track from their first demo in 2016. So since one week the band have two new songs out – two unbelievable proto-metal killers which are not so into doom they are more straighter with awesome riffs. Please check out the next big thing and if all the promoters are not deaf the band will get their deal soon, i hope so !!! 



Try Out: Potential Threat SF


Oh my god – this band is still underrated since they started, what a shame! The Bay Area Trash Band Potential Threat SF have their new album out which will be one of the best metal albums in 2019. Please check  „Threat To Society“ out – killer stuff which will blow you away !!! 


Try Out: Deathbell

Check out this doom stuff from france with lovely female vocals !!! Deathbell are from toulouse and their Album „With The Beyond“ ist out since August 2018. 


Try Out: Saint Karloff

Please check out the cool Saint Karloff from Norway !! Here we have the opener from their first album „All Heed The Black God“. 


Try Out: Wheel In The Sky


Here we have the first new track from their upcoming album „Beyond The Pale“ . Wheel In The Sky are from sweden and if you are into all these fantastic new swedish bands you have to check out this guys !! 


Try Out: Forming The Void

Forming The Void are back with a new album out on August 17th, 2018 – check out this lovely new track !!



Try Out: I´LL Be Damned

This supercool band from denmark will release their new album August 31st, 2018 !!! A band with energy, power who is very hungry to rock – check them out !!!! 


Try Out: Buffalo Fuzz

Here we have the new single from their upcoming album (2019) by Buffalo Fuzz from Minneapolis – in memory of Drummer Jake Allen !!!! 


Shorties: Key Machine – Revival

Seit April dieses Jahres steht das este Album der Kanadier KEY MACHINE als Download und Kassette zur Verfügung. Wer auf entspannten Psychedelic Rock mit einer Portion Blues, Folk und Southern steht, kommt an „Revival“ absolut nicht vorbei. Für mich haben die Jungs eines der Highlights des bishrigen Jahres abgeliefett. Wundervolle Melodien, mal zart mal härter interpretiert, animieren einem zum Träumen und wenn man sich dazu noch so fantastische Tracks wie ‚Traveling Son‘, ‚Oh Mother'(unbelievable), ‚Burning The Candle At Both Ends‘ (killer stuff) oder das abschließende ‚Birds‘ (lovely) unter dem Kopfhörer anhört, kommt man aus dem Schwärmen nicht mehr heraus – ein perfektes Album, welches in den 70ern hätte veröffentlicht werden können. Jetzt fehtl nur noch eine Vinyl-Veröffentlichung !!!




Try Out: Smoulder

If you like Epic Doom Metal with a cool underground touch you have to check out this fantastic band from Toronto, Canada. Please listen …..i do you have to say more … the underground !!!!!! 



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